Sunday, February 20, 2011

OK back from a long break of writing!!

OK so sorry I haven't been writing in the blog... It kind of seems that when things are going great, you tend to not feel like you have to put your feelings down. My brother has been doing amazing so far.. We had to let him hit rock bottom on his own for him to be able to make a change in his life... Basically my brother was found in a pew of a Catholic church in Atchinson, KS by a father. The father took him to Valley Hope and he began a 2 to 3 week program up there... In that time, he had set up everything he needed to go to an alcohol and drug abuse facility in Minnesota.. My brother got accepted a week or 2 ago after living in MN for a few weeks prior and going to AA. He feels comfortable there and feels like he is making a big improvement... I am VERY proud of him... I know whatever he does after he gets his feet on the ground, he's going to be great at... :) More to come later..


  1. Hi Julie,

    Found your blog and am looking forward to reading a sister's perspective.

  2. Ok, just seeing if I can comment now. Love your blog....thanks for sharing your journey with us.

  3. I was just recently encouraging my other non-addict teenagers to consider writing on my blog about their perspective as a sibling of an addict. I was glad to see your blog today. I think siblings have a great deal to share and learn from one another. Blessings to you. Deirdre

  4. Julie, I'm also new to your blog and am very interested in your views as a sibling. I have a 17 year old daughter who is the sibling of an addict. Glad your brother is doing well and I will be praying for his continued recovery. Kristi
